Interview with Greta Pasha

 An Amalgam Of Surrealism And Escapism: Interview With Greta Pasha x SoulHints magazine

Hi Greta, it’s so nice to meet you again here, in SoulHints, our virtual space for souls meetings. We really feel your art as a perfect visualisation of our concept and topics that we explore on our platform. Can you introduce yourself - who is Greta personally? And professionally?
Hi there! I would firstly like to thank Soulhints Magazine for having me. I'm Greta Pasha and I'm an Albanian interior designer and visual digital artist. I've been working as a freelance visual artist for 5 years now and my intention is to continue evolving in this field, as long as it fulfills my innermost being. During this period, I've also worked as an event designer and contributed to my family's business doing various managerial tasks. I've always thought I had that ''entrepreneurial skill" in me and I've never been afraid of trying new professional experiences, even at the cost of failing. You'll never know you're good at something without giving it your best shot.
I am a very calm and balanced person. I usually like to interact with people but also appreciate my space and the need to recharge. Working as a digital artist has its perks of virtually socializing with others but it gets overwhelming at times, and I eventually give myself permission to pause and retreat.

Can you tell us a bit more about your artistic background and “when has it all started”? Have you experimented with different art techniques, or did you immediately choose collage as your true expression?
Art and creativity have been my early companions, sculpting my professional path and guiding me towards dimensions I’ve never thought I’d explore. When I was about 10 years old I had this special notebook where I used to glue different pieces of paper, fabrics, dried flowers etc. I often used to draw and embellish the drawing with such materials, unconscious of the art form I was creating. So, I guess I started creating collages back then and I found myself redoing it in the digital era with digital tools. Photomontage or compositing collage is what intrigued me the most, but with the passing of years I felt the need to experiment more and more and try out new art techniques along with new software. I'm currently experimenting with 3D art and animation which I enjoy a lot.

How would you define your art? What is the message that you channel through it and that you want to share with the rest of the world?
I would define it as an amalgam of surrealism and escapism. I've always been attracted to the "supernatural, extraterrestrial, out of this world" notions and creating the "unimagined" is my artistic drive. Reviving the past and confronting it with the future; creating a transcendental coexistence between earthly and space elements; strongly opposing retro to sci-fi vibes; are the outmost synthesis of a special nostalgia for the unlived future, a strong symbiosis between reality and surreality. My aim is to enlighten people’s minds and souls and replace practicality by dreams and spiritual journeys to nonexistent lands and dimensions.

In your art, we can feel a lot of surreal and transcendental elements - what does the spirituality mean to you? Are there any particular practices/therapies that you follow or practice?
I think spirituality has a great impact on my creative and self-improving journey. I've always felt connected to nature, the universe and the greater Force that enables our existence. I see religion as a way of spiritualism too. Praying can be very calming and intimate and that's very similar to meditation or other spirituality practices. I think the inclusion of space and time in my artworks comes as a derivate of my spiritual drive. My art is definitely a reflection of my soul.

Is the creative process a ritual to you? I believe it’s a unique and the most beautiful way to connect with yourself on a deeper lever and it can be a truly “grounding” moment. Do you practice anything else as a ritual or routine that help you stay more focused during the day? That keeps you balanced and aligned with your soul purpose?
Being a creative nowadays seems to be pretty challenging, given the absorbing and chaotic medium surrounding us. While trying to find inspiration for my art, I often like to retreat and make myself the focal point of my life. I've found Mindfulness to be very therapeutic for my spiritual wellbeing. Focusing on the present moment and quieting my inner dialogue has helped me a lot personally and professionally. Listening to music is definitely my forever kind of therapy too. My inspiration essentially comes from reconnecting with nature and the universe. Once I've established this inter-connectedness, I start composing and the whole process is so natural and unconscious, just like a flow.

What is your “daily mantra” to face up the everyday life? What does give you the strongest drive to go through the life?
I don't seek perfection, but progress, and see my mistakes as a sign of exploration and growth. I've always considered this as my daily mantra and affirmation. Always counting on myself no matter how difficult it may seem sometimes to find that self-confidence. You are worthy of your achievements as well as your failures, as long as you keep growing.

Being an artist is a lifestyle - it means expressing your most authentic self freely, but also being able to live and pay the bills from it. How do you manage the commercial requests? Can you still keep your artistic signature in commercial works?
As I previously mentioned, it is quite hard to preserve your originality and authenticity in the digital era, while new art techniques emerge everyday. I have always been versatile as a creator but never lost my genuineness for the sake of being mainstream. I try to adapt to social media algorithms and marketing strategies but not at the cost of losing my identity as an artist. It is the same philosophy with my clients. Every time I get commissioned I make sure the client is looking for my artistic style to be manifested in their project and not just a copycat of another artist or art style. It is never easy I must admit, but when you make the terms of collaboration clear since the beginning, the end result is reciprocally satisfying. 

Is there any collaboration (with other artist/designer/brands etc.) you are dreaming of?
Not specifically, to be honest. I am open to new partnerships, collaborations as long as my art is appreciated and well-exhibited. I would actually love to have my artworks curated and displayed on an exhibition by a prestigious art studio or agency, but let's see what the future holds.

In some parallel life, where you aren’t an artist, what do you do?
I'm definitely a writer. I sometimes write short poems in Albanian and have had the audacity to share them on social media with my close friends only. I subconsciously dream of writing a book with poems or short stories someday so, who knows?!

Is there something you are still dreaming about to try/do/achieve?
I see myself as a nomad in the pursue of new terrains, possibilities, sensations. As long as I'm a healthy and self-conscious being I'll always find a new goal to achieve and bring out the best of me. As an artist I'll be in owe with my public for as long as I create. I owe them new artworks, new visuals for them to escape the ordinary and refresh their soul.

Greta Pasha